Crabspawn 2016
Friday, 3 June 2016
If birds had festivals then one of the highlights of their calendar would be Crabspawn. As it is, it may not be organised but it is certainly chaotic. This remarkable film was taken by Murray N Hadley at Fortescue Bay, New Jersey.
When the horseshoe crabs spawn they fill the sea with their eggs. Why the numbers is not a mystery for long as shorebirds go in to a feeding frenzy and gobble up as many as their bellies will take while the opportunity is there.
So by laying so many, the crabs assure that at least some of the eggs will go on to hatch. Yet for birds such as the red knot this is a feast and they will often double their weight during this stopover on their way to their arctic breeding grounds. You can almost imagine them mulling over the excitement later on in the year. “Did you go to Crabspawn 2016?” “Yeah, man. It was awesome.” But we don't anthropomorphize on this site...

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